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EcoTech offers new themes and sectors
Выставки, конференции
09.08.2010 21:16  EcoTech, the annual exhibition and conference for eco-technologies and eco-services, will take place in Almaty on 2-4 November 2010. The exhibition will be held in the ninth pavilion at the Atakent Exhibition Centre, and the conference in the Bakshasaray Reception Palace. The organisers, the Kazakhstani exhibition company Iteca, have moved the event from its traditional September date in connection with the main topics at this year’s forum: Kazakhstan’s obligations post-Kyoto, the energy and environment strategy under discussion in the country, the recycling of associated gases in oil and gas production and processing, and resource conservation and energy efficiency.

"A hotly debated topic among environmentalists and specialists in some way related to this topic is the problem of reducing emissions in connection with the ratification by Kazakhstan of the Kyoto Protocol, as well as issues related to the trading of quotas. It 's no secret that the main source of greenhouse gas emissions in Kazakhstan is the energy industry, which ranks first for emissions of greenhouse gases and pollutants into the atmosphere. It accounts for 85% of total national emissions. Therefore, holding EcoTech and Power Kazakhstan (an exhibition and conference on power generation) in parallel will facilitate a better examination of the topic, and attract more experts from related industries to the exhibition and conference. Our conference – "Cooperation to Reduce Emissions: Analysis, Questions, and Best Technologies and Practices" – on the day after the Forum of Power Engineers will also facilitate this," says Olessya Somkina, Manager of the EcoTech exhibition.

This year’s EcoTech exhibition is significant for the increased coverage of the exhibition. The following new sectors have been introduced: a showcase of environmental protection technologies from industrial companies’ ecology departments; noise and vibration protection; clean technologies; industrial washing and cleaning; installation and repair of underground utilities using trenchless technologies; EcoLab; and EcoHouse.

The exhibition will present about 50 companies from 10 countries.

About 120 delegates are expected to take part in the conference "Cooperation to Reduce Emissions: Analysis, Questions, and Best Technologies and Practices". The main topics of the conference are: The obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol: Opportunities and Outlooks; Greenhouse gas emission reduction technologies and practices: case studies, results and achievements; Air pollution reduction: requirements, opportunities and outlooks; and Air pollution reduction technologies and practices: case studies, results and achievements.

"It should be noted that last year we got a lot of positive feedback about the success of the conference on waste management. This year, the theme will be continued by the Centre of Cooperation for Sustainable Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which, on the first day of the exhibition, will give an hour-long seminar, entitled "Reforming the system of municipal waste management in the Republic of Kazakhstan’. The business programme is currently under development, and we are waiting for new proposals from companies to expand its content. Based on initial talks with companies, I can say that this year’s business programme will be no less rich and interesting than last year’s," says Olessya Somkina.

EcoTech is the main specialised exhibition in Kazakhstan and Central Asia, and for six years has presented leading international and domestic companies engaged in the collection, utilisation, treatment and disposal of industrial and household waste; water and wastewater treatment; recycling; gas, air and soil treatment; labour protection and industrial safety; analytical control systems; and resource conservation. The main sectors of EcoTech are: production and consumption waste management; products from waste; water, water supply and water drainage; wastewater treatment; recycling of sewage sediment; air emissions and air pollution prevention; air purification; soil treatment; labour protection and industrial safety; biogas as a source of heat and power (landfills, sludge deposits, etc); and other alternative sources of energy.

The exhibition is organised by the Kazakhstani exhibition company Iteca with the assistance of the Kazakhstan Business Association for Sustainable Development (KBASD). The conference takes place in partnership with the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia. Official support for the project is provided by the Ministry of Environment Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty City Administration and United Nations Development Programme.

The organisers are expecting applications from new companies, and we invite all interested specialists to visit the exhibition and take part in the conference. Focusing on environmental issues and introducing environmentally-friendly technologies in industrial and municipal sectors guarantees our prosperity today and is our responsibility to future generations!
For more information about the event, please visit the website: www.ecotech.kz

© Переработка мусора: :WebDigest

   Еще в разделе Выставки, конференции:   
 Вторая Нефтегазовая конференция «ЭКОБЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ-2011» состоится 26 апреля
 WASMA 2010: первые итоги
 ECOSMART - 1-й Международный Форум Чистых Технологий в Украине
 Международная выставочная компания приглашает Вас с 27 по 29 октября посетить Международный экологический форум и выставки WASMA 2010 и OGE 2010
 VII международная конференция «Рециклинг отходов»
 Конференция Международной ассоциации по твердым отходам (ISWA) «Передовые технологии переработки и захоронения отходов: ориентиры применения и критерии выбора»
 Форум по управлению отходами и природоохранным технологиям ВэйстТэк-2011. Чистое завтра делается сегодня
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 Оборудование для переработки отходов на выставке WASMA 2010
 WASMA и ликвидация аварийных разливов нефти.
 EcoTech offers new themes and sectors
 Выставка EcoTech предлагает новые темы и разделы
 7-я Международная выставка-форум WASMA 2010 : Оборудование и технологии для сбора, переработки и утилизации отходов

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Выставки, конференции
О проекте
ПРЕДПРИЯТИЯ, Переработка и утилизация:
ОТХОДЫ : Идеи пользователей по переработке и утилизации
Вторсырье, предлагаю:
Автономное энергообеспечение и альтернативная энергетика - Идеи пользователей
Листовые пластики
ПРЕДПРИЯТИЯ. Переработка и утилизация:
ТБО • пластик • макулатура • металл • резина •
стекло • нефть, отходы производства • органика • сточные воды • радиоактивные отходы •
медицинские оходы • опасные отходы • экологические услуги • юридические услуги • утилизация компьютеров, мобильных телефонов и другой техники •
Вывоз мусора •
Оборудованиеб/у оборудование
Добавить информацию о переработке отходов • предложить отходы на утилизацию • сообщить о свалке
Вторсырье, предлагаю:
пластик резина
Международный экологический форум "Экология большого города"
Вторая Нефтегазовая конференция «ЭКОБЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ-2011» состоится 26 апреля
WASMA 2010: первые итоги
Итоги Третьей Международной конференции «ПЫЛЕГАЗООЧИСТКА-2010»
Конференция «НЕФТЕГАЗ-ИНТЕХЭКО-2010» очередной раз успешно прошла в Москве в ТГК «ИЗМАЙЛОВО»
Итоги Межотраслевой конференции «ВОДА В ПРОМЫШЛЕННОСТИ-2010»
ECOSMART - 1-й Международный Форум Чистых Технологий в Украине
Международная выставочная компания приглашает Вас с 27 по 29 октября посетить Международный экологический форум и выставки WASMA 2010 и OGE 2010
VII международная конференция «Рециклинг отходов»
Конференция Международной ассоциации по твердым отходам (ISWA) «Передовые технологии переработки и захоронения отходов: ориентиры применения и критерии выбора»
Форум по управлению отходами и природоохранным технологиям ВэйстТэк-2011. Чистое завтра делается сегодня
Международный форум-выставка «Изменение климата и экология промышленного города»
Оборудование для переработки отходов на выставке WASMA 2010

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